$title Dynamic model for double dividend analysis.
display "com: Dynamic model for double dividend analysis.";
$if not setglobal scen $setglobal scen base
$if not setglobal tyear $setglobal tyear 40
$if not setglobal rdrate $setglobal rdrate 100
$if not setglobal bopcon $setglobal bopcon 0
$if not setglobal phi $setglobal phi 0.5
$if not setglobal eols $setglobal eols 0.19
$if not setglobal sigu $setglobal sigu 0.5
$if not setglobal c_siga $setglobal c_siga 1
$if not setglobal c_sige $setglobal c_sige 1
$if not setglobal gbb $setglobal gbb 0
$if not setglobal gr $setglobal gr 0
$if not setglobal mcp $setglobal mcp 1
$if not setglobal ca_tax $setglobal ca_tax 0
option mcp = path;
option decimals = 8;
option sysout = on;
sol_mcp Flag for quadratic programming
rdrate Reduction rate;
sol_mcp = %mcp%;
rdrate = %rdrate%;
display sol_mcp, rdrate;
bopcon Balance of payments restriction / %bopcon% /
capflo Free capital flow
phi Adjustment speed / %phi% /
c_siga Coefficient for Armington elasticity / %c_siga% /
c_sige Coefficient for energy eos / %c_sige% /
gbb Government balanced budget / %gbb% /
dcalib / 0 /
ca_tax Flag for carbon tax / %ca_tax% /
bopcon = 1$%bopcon%;
capflo = yes$(not bopcon);
display bopcon, capflo, phi, gbb, c_siga, c_sige;
display "com: Defining sets and parameters for dynamic model.";
t Period index / 1*%tyear% /
tfirst(t) First period
tlast(t) Last period
tfirst(t) = yes$(ord(t) eq 1);
tlast(t) = yes$(ord(t) eq card(t));
display t, tfirst, tlast;
alias (t,tt);
display "com: Import set definitions.";
$include set_definition
display "com: Import elasticity parameters";
$include elasticity_parameters.gms
display "com: Import benchmark data.";
$include dataset.dat
display "Endogenous sector";
display iov, iovc, iovnc, ioqc, ioqnc;
display "Value added sector";
display nlabinc, ncapinc, labtax, captax, nitax;
display "Final demand sector";
display cons, gexp, inve, expo, impo, impt, ctax, csub;
display "Household data";
display lincome, cincome, linctax, cinctax, hctax, hcsub, hsave, hntrans;
display "com: Check imported data.";
ioq Quantity data.
chk_fdva Check FD and VA data
chk_out Check output data
chk_out_p -1 if no output;
ioq(e,i) = ioqc(e,i) + ioqnc(e,i);
display ioq;
chk_fdva(i,"va") = nlabinc(i) + labtax(i) + ncapinc(i) + captax(i)
+ nitax(i);
chk_fdva("sum","va") = round(sum(i, chk_fdva(i,"va")), 6);
= cons(i) + csub(i) + gexp(i) + inve(i)
+ expo(i) + impo(i) + impt(i);
chk_fdva("sum","fd") = round(sum(i, chk_fdva(i,"fd")), 6);
= round(chk_fdva("sum","fd")
- chk_fdva("sum","va"), 6);
display chk_fdva;
abort$chk_fdva("diff","fd-va") "FD and VA are inconsistent.";
= sum(ii, iov(ii,i))
+ nlabinc(i) + labtax(i) + ncapinc(i) + captax(i)
+ nitax(i);
= sum(ii, iov(i,ii))
+ cons(i) + csub(i) + gexp(i) + inve(i)
+ expo(i) + impo(i) + impt(i);
chk_out("sum","sec") = sum(i, chk_out(i,"sec"));
chk_out("sum","com") = sum(i, chk_out(i,"com"));
chk_out(i,"sec_com") = round(chk_out(i,"sec") - chk_out(i,"com"), 6);
= round(chk_out("sum","sec")
- chk_out("sum","com"), 6);
display chk_out;
abort$chk_out("sum","sec_com") "Output data are inconsistent.";
chk_out(i,"sec") = round(chk_out(i,"sec"), 6);
chk_out(i,"com") = round(chk_out(i,"com"), 6);
chk_out_p(i,"sec") = -1;
chk_out_p(i,"com") = -1;
chk_out_p(i,"sec")$chk_out(i,"sec") = 1;
chk_out_p(i,"com")$chk_out(i,"com") = 1;
option chk_out_p:0;
display chk_out_p;
display "com: Parameters for technology improvements:";
tpf Technology coefficient for primary factors
tene Technology coefficient for energy goods
t_int Intermediate
tpf(t) = 1;
tene(t) = 1;
display tpf, tene;
t_int(t,i) = 1;
display "com: Production side";
int0(i,ii) Intermediate inputs
vld0(i) Value of labor inputs (net of tax)
vkd0(i) Value of capital inputs (net of tax)
vpf0(i) Value of primary factor (value added)
ve0(i) Value of energy inputs
vpfe0(i) Value of primary factor and energy inputs
outs0(i) Sector output (gross of tax)
outc0(i) Commodity output (gross of tax)
d0(i) Value of domestic supply
x0(i) Value of export supply
out0(i) Value of output (gross of tax)
tq0(i) Net indirect tax rate on production
tl0(i) Labor tax rate on production
tk0(i) Capital tax rate on production
int0(i,ii) = iov(i,ii);
vld0(i) = nlabinc(i);
vkd0(i) = ncapinc(i);
outs0(i) = sum(ii, iov(ii,i))
+ nlabinc(i) + ncapinc(i)
+ labtax(i) + captax(i) + nitax(i);
outs0(i) = outs0(i);
outc0(i) = sum(ii, iov(i,ii))
+ cons(i) + csub(i) + gexp(i)
+ inve(i) + expo(i) + impo(i) + impt(i);
outc0(i) = outc0(i);
x0(i) = expo(i);
d0(i) = round(outc0(i) - x0(i), 8);
out0(i) = d0(i) + x0(i);
display int0, vld0, vkd0, outs0, outc0, x0, d0, out0;
chk_out_p(i,"sec") = -1;
chk_out_p(i,"com") = -1;
chk_out_p(i,"sec")$outs0(i) = 1;
chk_out_p(i,"com")$outc0(i) = 1;
display chk_out_p;
vpf0(i)$outs0(i) = ncapinc(i) + captax(i) + nlabinc(i) + labtax(i);
display vpf0;
tl0(i)$vld0(i) = labtax(i) / vld0(i);
tk0(i)$vkd0(i) = captax(i) / vkd0(i);
tq0(i)$outs0(i) = nitax(i) / outs0(i);
display tl0, tk0, tq0;
display "com: Investment";
i0 Total value of gross investment
ishr(i) Share of each good in investment
id0(i) Gross investment demand;
id0(i) = inve(i);
i0 = sum(i, id0(i));
ishr(i) = id0(i)/i0;
display id0, i0, ishr;
display "com: Government demand";
gd0(i) Government demand (including gov investment)
g0 Government total expenditure;
gd0(i) = gexp(i);
g0 = sum(i, gd0(i));
display gd0, g0;
display "com: Trade and Armington";
a0(i) Armington supply
m0(i) Demand for imported good (net of import tax)
tm0(i) Import tax rate
bop0 Balance of payments of each good (ex - im)
bopt0 Balance of payments (ex - im);
m0(i) = - impo(i);
tm0(i)$m0(i) = - impt(i)/m0(i);
a0(i) = d0(i) + (1+tm0(i)) * m0(i);
bop0(i) = x0(i) - m0(i);
bopt0 = round(sum(i, bop0(i)), 8);
display m0, tm0, a0, bop0, bopt0;
display "com: Household data";
epi0 Expanded disposal income
wg0 Household gross current expenditure
wn0 Household net current expenditure
c0 Household consumption expenditure
ce0 Energy good consumption
cne0 Non-energy good consumption
cg0 Household gross consumption expenditure
cd0 Household consumption demand
li0 Value of labor income (gross of tax)
ki0 Value of capital income (gross of tax)
tli0 Labor income tax rate
tci0 Capital income tax rate
ts0 Consumption subsidy rate
tc0 Consumption tax rate
vos Value of savings
vot Value of net transfer
li0 = lincome;
ki0 = cincome;
vos = hsave;
vot = hntrans;
cd0(i) = cons(i) + csub(i);
display li0, ki0, vos, cd0, vot;
ts0(i)$cd0(i) = - csub(i) / cd0(i);
tc0(i)$cons(i) = ctax(i) / cons(i);
c0 = sum(i, cons(i));
cg0 = sum(i, (1+tc0(i)) * (1+ts0(i)) * cd0(i));
tli0 = linctax / li0;
tci0 = cinctax / ki0;
display ts0, tc0, cg0, tli0, tci0;
cne0 = sum(nene, cons(nene));
ce0 = sum(ene, cons(ene));
display cne0, ce0;
display "com: Total labor endowment.";
lratio Labor supply ratio / 2.53 /
endl Benchmark total labor endowment
lei0 Benchmark leisure
endl = lratio * li0;
lei0 = endl - li0;
display lratio, endl, lei0;
vks0 Benchmark total value of capital stock
vai0 Benchamrk value of capital income (net of tax)
vat0 Benchmark capital income tax;
vks0 = sum(i, vkd0(i));
vat0 = cinctax;
vai0 = cincome - vat0;
display vks0, vat0, vai0;
gr Baseline labor growth rate / %gr% /;
display gr;
r Baseline interest rate
delta Depreciation rate
j0 Benchmark net investment
jd0 Benchmark net investment demand
rk0 Benchmark rental price for producer
rke0 Benchmark rental price for household
ks0 Benchmark capital stock
pk0 Benchmark capital price
pka0 Reduced cost of investment (adjustment premium)
ld0 Benchmark labor input (quantity)
kd0 Benchmark capital input (quantity);
rt0 Interest rate (target level) / 0.03 /
delt0 Depreciation rate (target level) / 0.07 /;
display rt0, delt0;
rt Interest rate
delt Depreciation rate
rket Rental rate for household
kt Capital stock
jt Net investment
loss Loss function
lam_1 Multiplier
lam_2 Multiplier
lam_3 Multiplier;
eq_obj Objetive function
eq_con1 Constraint 1
eq_con2 Constraint 2
eq_con3 Constraint 3
eq_con4 Constraint 4
eq_rt FOC
eq_delt FOC
eq_rket FOC
eq_kt FOC;
eq_obj .. loss =e=
power((rt - rt0)/rt0, 2) + power((delt - delt0)/delt0, 2);
eq_con1 .. rket =e= (1+phi*(gr+delt))*(rt+delt)
- phi*(delt+gr)**2 / 2;
eq_con2 .. rket*kt =e= vai0;
eq_con3 .. i0 =e= (delt+gr) * kt * (1+phi*(delt+gr)/2);
model calib_nlp NLP model / eq_obj, eq_con1, eq_con2, eq_con3 /;
eq_rt .. 2*(rt-rt0)/(rt0**2) - lam_1*(1+phi*(gr+delt)) =e= 0;
eq_delt .. 2*(delt-delt0)/(delt0**2)
+ lam_1*( phi*(gr-rt) - (1+phi*(gr+delt)) )
- lam_3*kt*(1+phi*(delt+gr)) =e= 0;
eq_rket .. lam_1 + lam_2*kt =e= 0;
eq_kt .. lam_2*rket - lam_3*(delt+gr)*(1 + phi*(delt+gr)/2) =e= 0;
model calib_mcp MCP model / eq_con1, eq_con2, eq_con3, eq_rt, eq_delt,
eq_rket, eq_kt /;
rt.l = rt0;
delt.l = delt0;
kt.l = vks0 / (delt.l + rt.l);
rket.l = rt.l+delt.l;
lam_1.l = 0;
lam_2.l = 0;
lam_3.l = 0;
parameter calibres Calibrted results;
display "com: Calibration by MCP";
solve calib_mcp using mcp;
calibres("r","cal") = rt.l;
calibres("rke","cal") = rket.l;
calibres("delta","cal") = delt.l;
calibres("k0","cal") = kt.l;
calibres("pk0","cal") = 1+phi*(delt.l+gr);
= calibres("k0","cal") * calibres("rke","cal");
calibres("j0","cal") = (delt.l+gr)*kt.l;
calibres("pka0","cal") = phi*(delt.l+gr)**2 / 2;
calibres("adjc","cal") = phi*(delt.l+gr) / 2;
display calibres;
display "com: Calibration by NLP";
solve calib_nlp using nlp minimizing loss;
calibres("r","cal") = rt.l;
calibres("rke","cal") = rket.l;
calibres("delta","cal") = delt.l;
calibres("k0","cal") = kt.l;
calibres("pk0","cal") = 1+phi*(delt.l+gr);
= calibres("k0","cal") * calibres("rke","cal");
calibres("j0","cal") = (delt.l+gr)*kt.l;
calibres("pka0","cal") = phi*(delt.l+gr)**2 / 2;
calibres("adjc","cal") = phi*(delt.l+gr) / 2;
display calibres;
r = rt.l;
delta = delt.l;
rke0 = rket.l;
rk0 = rke0/(1-tci0);
ks0 = kt.l;
pk0 = calibres("pk0","cal");
pka0 = calibres("pka0","cal");
j0 = calibres("j0","cal");
display "Display calibrated parameters";
display r, delta, rke0, rk0, ks0, pk0, pka0, j0;
kd0(i) = ks0*vkd0(i)/vks0;
display kd0;
jd0(i) = ishr(i)*j0;
display jd0;
ld0(i) = vld0(i);
display ld0;
display "com: Reference prices.";
pl0 Reference wage rate for industry
rk00 Reference rental price for industry
rk000 Reference rental price for industry
ple0 Reference labor price for household (price of leisure)
rke0 Reference rental price for household
pm0 Reference price of imported goods
pc0 Reference good price for household
pc00 Reference good price for household
pd0 Reference price for domestic supply
px0 Reference price for export supply
pq0 Reference price for output;
pl0(i) = 1+tl0(i);
rk00(i) = (1+tk0(i))*rk0;
rk000(i) = (1+tk0(i));
ple0 = 1-tli0;
rke0 = (1-tci0)*rk0;
pc0(i) = (1+ts0(i));
pc00 = 1.03;
pm0(i) = 1+tm0(i);
px0(i) = 1-tq0(i);
pd0(i) = 1-tq0(i);
pq0(i) = 1-tq0(i);
display pl0, rk00, ple0, rke0, pc0, pm0, px0, pd0;
wg0 = cg0 + ple0*lei0;
display wg0;
epi0 = ple0*endl + rke0*ks0 - vos + vot;
display epi0;
parameter chk_revex Check revenue and expenditure consistency;
chk_revex("rev-exp") = round(wg0 - epi0, 3);
display chk_revex;
abort$chk_revex("rev-exp") "Household revenue and expenditure are inconsistent";
display "com: Baseline path.";
qref(t) Reference quantity path
pref(t) Reference price path
wref(t) Reference (period) utility path
lref(t) Labor endowment path
qref(t) = (1+gr)**(ord(t)-1);
pref(t) = (1/(1+r))**(ord(t)-1);
wref(t) = wg0 * qref(t);
lref(t) = endl * qref(t);
display qref, pref, wref, lref;
gqref(t) Reference government period expenditure
gbar Benchmark government lifetime expenditure
;gqref(t) = g0*qref(t);
gbar = sum(t, pref(t) * gqref(t));
display gqref, gbar;
parameter ubar Benchmark lifetime utility;
ubar = sum(t, wref(t) * pref(t));
display ubar;
parameter adj0;
adj0 = phi*(delta+gr)/2 + sum(i, ishr(i)*phi*(delta+gr)/2);
display adj0;
display "com: Baseline tax rate..";
tq(i) Indirect tax rate
tm(i) Import tax rate
tl(i) Tax rate on labor input in production
tk(i) Tax rate on capital input in production
tli Labor income tax rate
tci Capital income tax rate
ts(i) Consumption subsidy rate
tc Consumption tax rate
tca(t,e) Carbon tax rate;
tq(i) = tq0(i);
tm(i) = tm0(i);
tl(i) = tl0(i);
tk(i) = tk0(i);
tc = 0.03;
tli = tli0;
tci = tci0;
ts(i) = ts0(i);
tca(t,e) = 0;
display tq, tm, tl, tk, tc, tli, tci, ts, tca;
display "com: Calibrate leisure-consumtpion elasticity of substitution.";
sigcl = ( eols * li0 / lei0 + ple0 * li0 / epi0 )
/ (1 - ple0 * lei0 / epi0 );
display eols, sigcl;
parameter sigcl_, sh_l, sh_le, sh_led;
sh_l = ple0*li0 / epi0;
sh_led = ple0*endl / epi0;
sh_le = ple0*lei0 / epi0;
sigcl_("sigcl") = ( eols*sh_l/(sh_led - sh_l) + sh_l ) / (1 - sh_le);
sigcl_("diff") = round(sigcl_("sigcl") - sigcl, 6);
display sh_l, sh_le, sh_led, sigcl_;
abort$sigcl_("diff") "Inconsistent in calibration";
display "com: Check data.";
chk_fdva(i,"va") = rk00(i)*kd0(i) + pl0(i)*ld0(i)
+ tq0(i)*outs0(i);
chk_fdva("sum","va") = round(sum(i, chk_fdva(i,"va")), 6);
chk_fdva(i,"fd") = cd0(i) + id0(i) + gd0(i) + bop0(i) - tm0(i)*m0(i);
chk_fdva("sum","fd") = round(sum(i, chk_fdva(i,"fd")), 6);
= round(chk_fdva("sum","fd") - chk_fdva("sum","va"), 6);
display chk_fdva;
abort$chk_fdva("diff","fd-va") "FD and VA are inconsistent.";
chk_out(i,"sec") = sum(ii, int0(ii,i)) + chk_fdva(i,"va");
chk_out(i,"com") = sum(ii, int0(i,ii)) + chk_fdva(i,"fd");
chk_out("sum","sec") = sum(i, chk_out(i,"sec"));
chk_out("sum","com") = sum(i, chk_out(i,"com"));
chk_out(i,"sec_com") = round(chk_out(i,"sec") - chk_out(i,"com"), 6);
= round(chk_out("sum","sec") - chk_out("sum","com"), 6);
display chk_out;
abort$chk_out("sum","sec_com") "Output data are inconsistent.";
parameter chk_is check investment and saving;
chk_is("save") = vos;
chk_is("ginv") = i0;
= round(chk_is("save") - chk_is("ginv") - bopt0, 6);
display chk_is;
abort$chk_is("save-ginv") "Inconsistent";
parameter chk_ie Check household income and expenditure;
chk_ie("inc") = ple0*endl + rke0*ks0 - vos + vot;
chk_ie("exp") = cg0 + ple0*lei0;
= round(chk_ie("inc") - chk_ie("exp"), 6);
display chk_ie;
abort$chk_ie("inc-exp") "Income and expenditure are inconsistent!";
parameter chk_gov Check government revenue and expenditure;
= sum(i, tk0(i) * rk0 * kd0(i)
+ tl0(i) * ld0(i)
+ tq0(i) * (x0(i)+d0(i)))
+ tli0 * li0
+ tci0 * rk0 * ks0
+ sum(i, tm0(i) * m0(i))
+ sum(i, ts0(i) * cd0(i))
+ sum(i, tc0(i) * (1 + ts0(i)) * cd0(i))
- vot;
chk_gov("exp")= g0;
chk_gov("rev-exp") = round(chk_gov("rev") - chk_gov("exp"), 6);
display chk_gov;
abort$chk_gov("rev-exp") "Government expenditure and revenue are inconsistent";
display "com: Adjust energy (quantity) data.";
display "com: Check imported energy data.";
display ioqc, ioqnc, fdq;
parameter cacoef "Carbon coefficient (t-C/10^7kcal)" /
lim 1.2000000000000E-01
coc 1.0451149310000E+00
sla 1.0154523000000E+00
cru 7.9152314900000E-01
nat 5.8507665700000E-01
pet 7.8289055874027E-01
cok 1.2310959200000E+00
gas 5.9652317200000E-01
ioca Carbon emissions (MtC);
ioca(e,i) = cacoef(e) * ioqc(e,i);
ioca(e,"cons") = cacoef(e) * fdq(e,"cons");
ioca(e,"end") = sum(i, ioca(e,i));
ioca(e,"fd") = ioca(e,"cons");
ioca(e,"sum") = ioca(e,"end") + ioca(e,"fd");
ioca("sum",i) = sum(e, ioca(e,i));
ioca("sum","cons") = sum(e, ioca(e,"cons"));
ioca("sum","sum") = sum(e, ioca(e,"sum"));
display ioca;
display "com: Check consistency between value and quantity data.";
display "com: Check the value and quantity consistency";
ch_ioqc Int input for combustion
ch_ioqnc Int input for non-combustion
ch_fdq Final demand (quantity)
ch_flag Flag for check: (0 or 1)
ch_flag_c Flag for check: (0 or 1)
ch_flag_nc Flag for check: (0 or 1)
ch_flag_fd Flag for check: (0 or 1);
ch_iov(e,i) = iov(e,i);
ch_iovc(e,i) = iovc(e,i);
ch_iovnc(e,i) = iovnc(e,i);
ch_ioq(e,i) = ioq(e,i);
ch_ioqc(e,i) = ioqc(e,i);
ch_ioqnc(e,i) = ioqnc(e,i);
ch_flag(e,i) = 0;
ch_flag_c(e,i) = 0;
ch_flag_nc(e,i) = 0;
loop((e,i)$(ch_iov(e,i) or ch_ioq(e,i)),
if((ch_iov(e,i) * ch_ioq(e,i) > 0),
ch_flag(e,i) = 0;
elseif (ch_iov(e,i) * ch_ioq(e,i) = 0),
ch_flag(e,i)$ch_iov(e,i) = 1;
ch_flag(e,i)$ch_ioq(e,i) = -1;
option ch_flag:0;
display ch_flag;
loop((e,i)$(ch_iovc(e,i) or ch_ioqc(e,i)),
if((ch_iovc(e,i) * ch_ioqc(e,i) > 0),
ch_flag_c(e,i) = 0;
elseif (ch_iovc(e,i) * ch_ioqc(e,i) = 0),
ch_flag_c(e,i)$ch_iovc(e,i) = 1;
ioqc(e,i)$ch_iovc(e,i) = 0;
ch_flag_c(e,i)$ch_ioqc(e,i) = -1;
ioqc(e,i)$ch_ioqc(e,i) = 0;
loop((e,i)$(ch_iovnc(e,i) or ch_ioqnc(e,i)),
if((ch_iovnc(e,i) * ch_ioqnc(e,i) > 0),
ch_flag_nc(e,i) = 0;
elseif (ch_iovnc(e,i) * ch_ioqnc(e,i) = 0),
ch_flag_nc(e,i)$ch_iovnc(e,i) = 1;
ioqnc(e,i)$ch_iovnc(e,i) = 0;
ch_flag_nc(e,i)$ch_ioqnc(e,i) = -1;
ioqnc(e,i)$ch_ioqnc(e,i) = 0;
option ch_flag_c:0, ch_flag_nc:0;
display ch_flag_c, ch_flag_nc;
display "After adjustment", ioqc, ioqnc;
ioca(e,i) = cacoef(e) * ioqc(e,i);
ioca(e,"cons") = cacoef(e) * fdq(e,"cons");
ioca(e,"end") = sum(i, ioca(e,i));
ioca(e,"fd") = ioca(e,"cons");
ioca(e,"sum") = ioca(e,"end") + ioca(e,"fd");
ioca("sum",i) = sum(e, ioca(e,i));
ioca("sum","cons") = sum(e, ioca(e,"cons"));
ioca("sum","sum") = sum(e, ioca(e,"sum"));
display ioca;
display "com: Contribution ratio";
parameter rat_ene Contribution ratio;
= ioqc(e,i)/(ioqc(e,i)+ioqnc(e,i));
display rat_ene;
display "com: Define energy inputs and consumption.";
veic Value of energy input (combustion purpose)
veict Sumal value of energy input (combustion purpose)
veinc Value of energy input (non-combustion purpose)
vec Value of energy consumption
vect Value of energy for combustion purpose;
veic(e,i) = rat_ene(e,i) * int0(e,i);
veic("ele",i) = int0("ele",i);
veic(e,"sum") = sum(i, veic(e,i));
veinc(e,i) = int0(e,i) - veic(e,i);
display veic, veinc;
vec(e) = cd0(e);
display vec;
veict(i) = sum(ec, veic(ec,i)) + veic("ele",i);
display veict;
vect(e) = veic(e,"sum") + vec(e);
display vect;
ve0(i)$outs0(i) = sum(ec, veic(ec,i)) + sum(ele, int0(ele,i));
display ve0;
vpfe0(i)$outs0(i) = vpf0(i) + ve0(i);
display vpfe0;
display "com: Deriving carbon emission data.";
carbi0 Carbon emissions from intermediate inputs (MtC)
carbc0 Carbon emissions from final consumption (MtC)
carbt0 Carbon emissions (MtC)
carbl Carbon emission restriction (MtC)
carbl0 Benchmark carbon emissions (MtC)
scale_ca Scale factor / 1000 /
carbi0(e,i) = cacoef(e)*ioqc(e,i) / scale_ca;
carbi0(e,"sum") = sum(i, carbi0(e,i));
carbi0("sum",i) = sum(e, carbi0(e,i));
carbi0("sum","sum") = sum((e,i), carbi0(e,i));
carbc0(e) = cacoef(e)*fdq(e,"cons") / scale_ca;
carbc0("sum") = sum(e, carbc0(e));
display carbi0, carbc0;
carbt0(e) = carbi0(e,"sum") + carbc0(e);
carbt0("sum") = sum(e, carbt0(e));
display carbt0;
carbl0 = sum((e,i), carbi0(e,i)) + sum(e, carbc0(e));
carbl(t) = carbl0 * 1e+6;
option carbl0:6, carbl:6;
display carbl0, carbl;
parameter chk_carbon Check carbon emissions (MtC);
chk_carbon(e,i) = carbi0(e,i);
chk_carbon(e,"int") = sum(i, chk_carbon(e,i));
chk_carbon("sum","int") = sum(e, chk_carbon(e,"int"));
chk_carbon("sum",i) = sum(e, chk_carbon(e,i));
chk_carbon(e,"con") = carbc0(e);
chk_carbon("sum","con") = sum(e, chk_carbon(e,"con"));
chk_carbon(e,"sum") = chk_carbon(e,"int") + chk_carbon(e,"con");
chk_carbon("sum","sum") = sum(e, chk_carbon(e,"sum"));
option chk_carbon:3;
display chk_carbon;
display "com: Scale parameter";
scale_k Scale for benchmark capital stock / 1 /
scale_l Scale for labor endowment / 1 /
scale_t Scale for transfer to household / 1 /
scale_g Scale for government lifetime expenditure / 1 /;
display scale_k, scale_l, scale_t, scale_g;
display "com: Tax instruments.";
set taxinst Tax instruments
lum Lump-sum tax
lin Labor income tax
lab Labor tax on production
cin Capital income tax
cap Capital tax on production
ctx Consumption tax
imp Import tax
tins(taxinst) Tax instrument;
tins(taxinst) = no;
tins("lum") = yes;
display taxinst, tins;
display "com: MCP code";
display "com: Share parameters";
cost_q(i) Unit cost for production
sh_x(i) Share of export in output
sh_fe(i) Share of primary factor and energy in production cost
sh_f(i) Share of primary factor in PF-E aggregation
sh_fl(i) Share of labor in primary factor
sh_e Share of energy goods in production
sh_nen(ii,i) Share of non-energy intermediate inputs
sh_nc(e,i) Share of energy for non-combustion purpose
sh_cl(cl,i) Share of cok and lim for combustion purpose
sh_nene Share of non-energy goods in consumption.
sh_c(i) Share of each good in non-energy consumption.
sh_ec(i) Share of each good in energy consumption.
sh_lei Share of leisure
sh_u(t) Share of period utility
sh_g(t) Share of each good in government expenditure
sh_ad(i) Share of domestic good in Armington aggregation
sh_inv(i) Share of input in investment activity
sh_g_gdp(t) Share of government expenditure in GDP
cost_q(i)$out0(i) = (1-tq0(i))*out0(i);
sh_x(i)$out0(i) = x0(i) / out0(i);
sh_fe(i)$out0(i) = vpfe0(i) / cost_q(i);
sh_f(i)$vpfe0(i) = vpf0(i)/ vpfe0(i);
sh_fl(i)$vpf0(i) = pl0(i)*ld0(i) / vpf0(i);
sh_e(ec,i)$veict(i) = veic(ec,i) / veict(i);
sh_e(ele,i)$veict(i) = veic(ele,i) / veict(i);
sh_nen(nen,i)$out0(i) = int0(nen,i) / cost_q(i);
sh_nc(e,i)$out0(i) = veinc(e,i) / cost_q(i);
sh_cl(cl,i)$out0(i) = veic(cl,i) / cost_q(i);
sh_g(t) = pref(t) * qref(t) / sum(tt, pref(tt) * qref(tt));
display cost_q, sh_x, sh_fe, sh_f, sh_fl, sh_e, sh_nen, sh_nc, sh_cl, sh_g;
sh_ad(i)$a0(i) = d0(i) / a0(i);
display sh_ad;
sh_inv(i)$j0 = jd0(i) / j0;
display sh_inv;
sh_lei = ple0*lei0 / wg0;
sh_nene = cne0 / c0;
sh_c(nene) = pc0(nene) * cd0(nene) / cne0;
sh_ec(ene) = pc0(ene) * cd0(ene) / ce0;
display sh_lei, sh_nene, sh_c, sh_ec;
sh_u(t) = pref(t)*wref(t) / ubar;
display sh_u;
sh_g_gdp(t) = g0 / chk_fdva("sum","fd");
display sh_g_gdp;
pgle0 Reference price of lifetime government expenditure;
pgle0 = sum(t, sh_g(t) * pref(t));
display pgle0;
roc_gdp Target rate of change in GDP / 0 /
roc_ca Target rate of chagne in carbon emissions / 0 /
display "com: MCP formulation";
a_x(t,i) Export supply
a_d(t,i) Domestic supply
a_l(t,i) Demand for labor
a_k(t,i) Demand for capital
a_e(t,ii,i) Demand for energy (exc. cok and lim) in production
a_ec(t,i) Consumption demand for energy goods
a_c(t,i) Consumption demand for non-energy goods
a_cc(t) Demand for aggregate consumption
a_lei(t) Demand for leisure
a_u(t) Demand for period utility
a_ad(t,i) Demand for domestic good from Armington activity
a_am(t,i) Demand for imported good from Armington activity
q_q(t,i) Activity level for production
q_a(t,i) Armington aggregation
q_x(t,i) Export activity
q_m(t,i) Import activity
q_cc(t) Consumption aggregation activity
q_w(t) Period utility
q_j(t) Net investment
q_u Lifetime utility
q_k(t) Capital accumulation (investment) activity
q_g(t) Government expenditure at each period
q_cnc Carbon emissions
q_sl(t) Labor supply
c_cc(t) Unit cost of consumption aggregation
c_a(t,i) Unit cost of Armington aggregation
c_w(t) Unit cost of period utility (expenditure function)
c_u Unit cost of lifetime utility (expenditure function)
c_q(t,i) Unit cost of production
c_e(t,i) Price index of emission sources for combustion purpose
p_q(t,i) Price index (unit revenue) for output
p_f(t,i) Price index of primary factor composite
p_ee(t,i) Price index of energy composite in production
p_fe(t,i) Price index of primary factor-energy composite
p_c(t) Price index of non-energy composite in consumption
p_ec(t) Price index of energy composite in consumption
p_i(t) Price index of investment good
p_e(t,i) Price index of emission sources for combustion purpose
p_cc(t) Price index of aggregate consumption
p_d(t,i) Price of domestic good
p_x(t,i) Price of export good
p_m(t,i) Price of import good
p_fxv Exchange rate (intertemporal)
p_fx Exchange rate
p_l(t) Wage rate for producer
p_le(t) Wage rate for household
p_w(t) Price of period utility
p_u Price of lifetime utility
p_a(t,i) Price of Armington good
p_g(t) Price of government expenditure
p_k(t) Shadow price of capital
p_rk(t) Rental price for industry
p_rke(t) Rental price for household
p_gle Price index for government lifetime consumption
p_ca(t) Price of emission permits
p_ka(t) Adjustmnet premium
p_disc Discount factor
p_intr "Interest rate 1/(1+r)"
v_inc_h Extended lifetime income of household
v_inc_g(t) Government income (period)
v_inc_gl Government income (lifetime)
q_tcap post-terminal capital stock
m_lum Multiplier for lump-sum tax
m_tl Multiplier for labor tax
m_tk Multiplier for capital tax
m_tli Multiplier for labor income tax
m_tci Multiplier for capital income tax
m_tc Multiplier for consumption tax
m_tm Multiplier for import tariff
t_pf(t) Technology parameter for primary factor
t_ene(t) Technology parameter for energy
roc_t_pf Rate of change in t_pf
roc_t_ene Rate of change in t_ene
v_gdp(t) GDP
c_emi(t) Carbon emissions
m_lum_p(t) Lump-sum tax (period)
share_g(t) Share of period government expenditure
e_a_x(t,i) Export supply
e_a_d(t,i) Domestic supply
e_a_l(t,i) Demand for labor
e_a_k(t,i) Demand for capital
e_a_e(t,ii,i) Demand for energy (exc. cok and lim) in production
e_a_ec(t,i) Consumption demand for energy goods
e_a_c(t,i) Consumption demand for non-energy goods
e_a_cc(t) Demand for aggregate consumption
e_a_lei(t) Demand for leisure
e_a_u(t) Demand for period utility
e_a_ad(t,i) Demand for domestic good from Armington activity
e_a_am(t,i) Demand for imported good from Armington activity
e_q_q(t,i) Activity level for production
e_q_a(t,i) Armington aggregation
e_q_x(t,i) Export activity
e_q_m(t,i) Import activity
e_q_cc(t) Consumption aggregation activity
e_q_w(t) Period utility
e_q_g(t) government expenditure at each period
e_q_j(t) Net investment
e_q_u Lifetime utility
e_q_k(t) Capital accumulation (investment) activity
e_q_cnc Carbon emissions
e_q_sl(t) Labor supply
e_c_cc(t) Unit cost of consumption aggregation
e_c_a(t,i) Unit cost of Armington aggregation
e_c_w(t) Unit cost of utility (expenditure function)
e_c_u Unit cost of lifetime utility (expenditure function)
e_c_q(t,i) Unit cost of production
e_c_e(t,e) Price index for energy
e_p_q(t,i) Price index (unit revenue) for activity
e_p_f(t,i) Price index of primary factor composite
e_p_ee(t,i) Price index of energy composite in production
e_p_fe(t,i) Price index of primary factor-energy composite
e_p_c(t) Price index of non-energy composite in consumption
e_p_ec(t) Price index of energy composit in consumption
e_p_i(t) Price index for investment
e_p_e(t,i) Price index of emission sources for combustion purpose
e_p_cc(t) Price index for aggregate consumption
e_p_d(t,i) Price of domestic good
e_p_x(t,i) Price of export good
e_p_m(t,i) Price of import good
e_p_fxv Exchange rate (intertemporal)
e_p_fx Exchange rate
e_p_l(t) Wage rate for producer
e_p_le(t) Wage rate for household
e_p_w(t) Price of utility
e_p_u Price of lifetime utility
e_p_a(t,i) Price of Armington good
e_p_g(t) Price of government expenditure
e_p_k(t) Shadow price of capital
e_p_rk(t) Rental price for industry
e_p_rke(t) Rental price for household
e_p_gle Price index for government lifetime consumption
e_p_ca(t) Price of emission permits
e_p_ka(t) Adjustmnet premium
e_p_disc Discount factor
e_p_intr Interest rate
e_v_inc_h Extended lifetime income of household
e_v_inc_g Government income (period)
e_v_inc_gl Government income (lifetime)
e_q_tcap Post-terminal capital stock
e_m_lum Multiplier for lump-sum tax
e_m_tl Multiplier for labor tax
e_m_tk Multiplier for capital tax
e_m_tli Multiplier for labor income tax
e_m_tci Multiplier for capital income tax
e_m_tc Multiplier for consumption tax
e_m_tm Multiplier for import tariff
e_t_pf(t) Technology parameter for primary factor
e_t_ene(t) Technology parameter for energy
e_roc_t_pf Rate of change in t_pf
e_roc_t_ene Rate of change in t_ene
e_v_gdp(t) GDP
e_c_emi(t) Carbon emissions
e_m_lum_p(t) Lump-sum tax (period)
e_share_g(t) Share period government expenditure
e_c_cc(t) ..
c_cc(t) =e=
((sh_nene * p_c(t)**(1-sigcc) + (1-sh_nene) * p_ec(t)**(1-sigcc)
)**(1/(1-sigcc)))$(sigcc ne 1)
( p_c(t)**sh_nene * p_ec(t)**(1-sh_nene) )$(sigcc = 1);
e_c_a(t,i)$a0(i) ..
c_a(t,i) =e=
( (1$(1-d0(i)) + p_d(t,i)$d0(i))**sh_ad(i)
* (1$(1-m0(i)) + (p_m(t,i))$m0(i))**(1-sh_ad(i)) )$(siga(i) = 1)
( ( (sh_ad(i) * p_d(t,i)**(1-siga(i)) )$d0(i)
+ ( (1-sh_ad(i)) * (p_m(t,i))**(1-siga(i)) )$m0(i)
)**(1/(1-siga(i))) )$(siga(i) ne 1);
e_c_w(t) ..
c_w(t) =e=
( (p_le(t))**(sh_lei)
* ((1 + tc*m_tc) * p_cc(t) / pc00)**(1-sh_lei)
)$(sigcl = 1)
((sh_lei * p_le(t)**(1-sigcl)
+ (1-sh_lei) * ((1 + tc*m_tc) * p_cc(t)
/ pc00)**(1-sigcl))**(1/(1-sigcl))
)$(sigcl ne 1);
e_c_u ..
c_u =e=
( prod(t, (p_w(t) / pref(t))**sh_u(t) ) )$(sigu = 1)
( ( sum(t, sh_u(t) * (p_w(t) / pref(t))**(1-sigu) ) )**(1/(1-sigu))
)$(sigu ne 1);
e_c_q(t,i)$out0(i) ..
c_q(t,i) =e=
sum(nen$sh_nen(nen,i), sh_nen(nen,i) * p_a(t,nen))
+ sum(e$sh_nc(e,i), sh_nc(e,i) * p_a(t,e))
+ sum(cl$sh_cl(cl,i), sh_cl(cl,i) * p_e(t,cl))
+ sh_fe(i) * p_fe(t,i);
e_p_q(t,i)$out0(i) ..
p_q(t,i) =e=
( sh_x(i) * p_x(t,i)**(1+eta)
+ (1-sh_x(i)) * p_d(t,i)**(1+eta) )**(1/(1+eta));
e_p_f(t,i)$vpf0(i) ..
p_f(t,i) =e=
((1 + tl(i)*m_tl) * p_l(t) / pl0(i))**sh_fl(i)
* ((1 + tk(i)*m_tk) * p_rk(t) / rk000(i))**(1-sh_fl(i))
)$(sigpf(i) = 1)
( sh_fl(i)
* ((1 + tl(i)*m_tl) * p_l(t) / pl0(i))**(1-sigpf(i))
+ (1-sh_fl(i))
* ((1 + tk(i)*m_tk) * p_rk(t) / rk000(i))**(1-sigpf(i))
)**(1/(1-sigpf(i))) )$(sigpf(i) ne 1);
e_p_ee(t,i)$veict(i) ..
p_ee(t,i) =e=
(( sum(ec$sh_e(ec,i), sh_e(ec,i) * p_e(t,ec)**(1-sigee))
+ sh_e("ele",i) * p_a(t,"ele")**(1-sigee))**(1/(1-sigee)) )$(sigee ne 1)
( prod(ec$sh_e(ec,i), p_e(t,ec)**(sh_e(ec,i)))
* p_a(t,"ele")**(sh_e("ele",i)) )$(sigee = 1);
e_p_fe(t,i)$vpfe0(i) ..
p_fe(t,i) =e=
((p_f(t,i)/t_pf(t))**sh_f(i) * (p_ee(t,i)/t_ene(t))**(1-sh_f(i)))$(sigpfe = 1)
((sh_f(i) * (p_f(t,i)/t_pf(t))**(1-sigpfe)
+ (1-sh_f(i)) * (p_ee(t,i)/t_ene(t))**(1-sigpfe))**(1/(1-sigpfe)))$(sigpfe ne 1);
e_p_c(t) ..
p_c(t) =e=
( prod(nene$sh_c(nene),
((1+ts(nene))*p_a(t,nene) / pc0(nene))**sh_c(nene)) )$(sigc = 1)
(( sum(nene$sh_c(nene),
sh_c(nene) * ((1+ts(nene))*p_a(t,nene) / pc0(nene))**(1-sigc))
)**(1/(1-sigc)) )$(sigc ne 1);
e_p_ec(t) ..
p_ec(t) =e=
( prod(ec$sh_ec(ec),
((1+ts(ec))*p_e(t,ec) / pc0(ec))**sh_ec(ec))
* (((1+ts("ele"))*p_a(t,"ele") / pc0("ele"))**sh_ec("ele"))$sh_ec("ele")
)$(sigec = 1)
(( sum(ec$sh_ec(ec), sh_ec(ec)
* ((1+ts(ec))*p_e(t,ec) / pc0(ec))**(1-sigec))
+ (sh_ec("ele") * ((1+ts("ele"))*p_a(t,"ele") / pc0("ele"))**(1-sigec)
)**(1/(1-sigec)) )$(sigec ne 1);
e_c_e(t,e) ..
c_e(t,e) =e= p_a(t,e) + carbt0(e) * p_ca(t) / vect(e);
e_p_i(t) ..
p_i(t) * j0 =e= sum(i, p_a(t,i) * jd0(i));
e_p_le(t) ..
ple0 * p_le(t) =e= (1-tli*m_tli) * p_l(t);
e_p_rke(t) ..
rke0 * p_rke(t) =e=
(1-tci*m_tci) * rk0 * p_rk(t);
e_p_ka(t)$phi ..
p_ka(t) * pka0 =e= phi * (q_j(t)*j0/(q_k(t)*ks0))**2 * p_i(t) / 2;
e_q_q(t,i)$out0(i) ..
c_q(t,i) =g= (1-tq(i)) * p_q(t,i) / pq0(i);
e_q_a(t,i)$a0(i) ..
c_a(t,i) =g= p_a(t,i);
e_q_x(t,i)$x0(i) ..
p_x(t,i) =g= p_fxv$capflo + p_fx(t)$bopcon;
e_q_m(t,i)$m0(i) ..
( (1+tm(i)*m_tm) * p_fxv )$capflo
( (1+tm(i)*m_tm) * p_fx(t) )$bopcon
=g= pm0(i) * p_m(t,i);
e_q_cc(t) ..
c_cc(t) =g= p_cc(t);
e_q_w(t) ..
p_disc(t) * c_w(t) =g= p_w(t);
e_q_u ..
c_u =g= p_u;
e_q_g(t) ..
sum(i, p_a(t,i) * gd0(i)) =g= p_g(t) * g0;
e_q_j(t) ..
p_i(t) * ( 1 + (phi * (q_j(t)*j0/(q_k(t)*ks0)))$phi ) =g= pk0 * p_k(t);
e_q_k(t) ..
(q_k(t) - scale_k)$tfirst(t)
(pk0 * p_k(t-1) / p_intr(t) -
rke0 * p_rke(t) - (1-delta) * pk0 * p_k(t) - (p_ka(t) * pka0)$phi)$(not tfirst(t))
=g= 0;
e_q_cnc(t,e)$vect(e) ..
c_e(t,e) =g= p_e(t,e);
e_a_x(t,i)$x0(i) ..
a_x(t,i) =e= x0(i) * (p_x(t,i) / p_q(t,i))**eta;
e_a_d(t,i)$d0(i) ..
a_d(t,i) =e= d0(i) * (p_d(t,i) / p_q(t,i))**eta;
e_a_l(t,i)$ld0(i) ..
a_l(t,i) =e=
ld0(i) * (p_f(t,i) / ((1 + tl(i)*m_tl)*p_l(t) / pl0(i)))**sigpf(i)
* (p_fe(t,i) / p_f(t,i))**sigpfe * t_pf(t)**(sigpfe - 1);
e_a_k(t,i)$kd0(i) ..
a_k(t,i) =e=
kd0(i) * (p_f(t,i) / ((1 + tk(i)*m_tk)*p_rk(t) / rk000(i)))**sigpf(i)
* (p_fe(t,i) / p_f(t,i))**sigpfe * t_pf(t)**(sigpfe - 1);
e_a_e(t,i,ii)$(ene(i) and veic(i,ii)) ..
a_e(t,i,ii) =e=
(veic(i,ii) * (p_ee(t,ii) / p_e(t,i))**sigee
* (p_fe(t,ii) / p_ee(t,ii))**sigpfe * t_ene(t)**(sigpfe - 1))$ec(i)
(veic(i,ii) * (p_ee(t,ii) / p_a(t,i))**sigee
* (p_fe(t,ii) / p_ee(t,ii))**sigpfe * t_ene(t)**(sigpfe - 1))$ele(i);
e_a_ec(t,i)$(ene(i) and cd0(i))..
a_ec(t,i) =e=
(cd0(i) * (p_ec(t) / ((1+ts(i))*p_e(t,i) / pc0(i)))**sigec
* (p_cc(t) / p_ec(t))**sigcc)$ec(i)
(cd0(i) * (p_ec(t) / ((1+ts(i))*p_a(t,i) / pc0(i)))**sigec
* (p_cc(t) / p_ec(t))**sigcc)$ele(i);
e_a_c(t,i)$(nene(i) and cd0(i)) ..
a_c(t,i) =e=
( (cd0(i) * (p_c(t) / ((1+ts(i))*p_a(t,i) / pc0(i)))**sigc
* (p_cc(t) / p_c(t))**sigcc) )$nen(i)
( (cd0(i) * (p_c(t) / ((1+ts(i))*p_e(t,i) / pc0(i)))**sigc
* (p_cc(t) / p_c(t))**sigcc) )$cl(i);
e_a_cc(t) ..
c0 * (c_w(t) / ((1+tc*m_tc) * p_cc(t) / pc00))**sigcl;
e_a_lei(t) ..
a_lei(t) =e= lei0 * (c_w(t) / p_le(t))**sigcl;
e_a_u(t) ..
a_u(t) =e= wref(t) * (c_u / (p_w(t) / pref(t)))**sigu;
e_a_ad(t,i)$d0(i) ..
a_ad(t,i) =e= d0(i) * (c_a(t,i) / p_d(t,i))**siga(i);
e_a_am(t,i)$m0(i) ..
a_am(t,i) =e= m0(i) * (c_a(t,i) / p_m(t,i))**siga(i);
e_q_sl(t) ..
li0 * q_sl(t) =e= scale_l * lref(t) - a_lei(t) * q_w(t);
e_p_cc(t) ..
c0 * q_cc(t) =g= a_cc(t) * q_w(t);
e_p_d(t,i)$d0(i) ..
a_d(t,i) * q_q(t,i) =g= a_ad(t,i) * q_a(t,i);
e_p_x(t,i)$x0(i) ..
a_x(t,i) * q_q(t,i) =g= x0(i) * q_x(t,i);
e_p_m(t,i)$m0(i) ..
m0(i) * q_m(t,i) =g= a_am(t,i) * q_a(t,i);
e_p_fxv$capflo ..
sum(t, sum(i$x0(i), pref(t) * x0(i) * q_x(t,i)))
=g= sum(t, sum(i$m0(i), pref(t) * m0(i) * q_m(t,i)));
e_p_fx(t)$bopcon ..
sum(i$x0(i), x0(i) * q_x(t,i)) =g= sum(i$m0(i), m0(i) * q_m(t,i));
e_p_l(t) ..
li0 * q_sl(t) =g= sum(i$ld0(i), a_l(t,i) * q_q(t,i));
e_p_w(t) ..
wg0 * q_w(t) =g= a_u(t) * q_u;
e_p_u ..
v_inc_h =g= ubar * q_u * p_u;
e_p_a(t,i) ..
a0(i) * q_a(t,i) =g=
( (a_c(t,i) * q_cc(t))$cd0(i)
+ sum(ii$int0(i,ii), int0(i,ii) * q_q(t,ii)) )$nen(i)
+ ( a_ec(t,i) * q_cc(t)
+ sum(ii$veic(i,ii), a_e(t,i,ii) * q_q(t,ii)) )$ele(i)
+ ( vect(i) * q_cnc(t,i)
+ sum(ii$veinc(i,ii), veinc(i,ii) * q_q(t,ii)) )$cl(i)
+ ( vect(i) * q_cnc(t,i)
+ sum(ii$veinc(i,ii), veinc(i,ii) * q_q(t,ii)) )$ec(i)
+ sh_inv(i) * j0 * q_j(t)
+ (sh_inv(i) * phi * ((q_j(t)*j0)**2 /(2*q_k(t)*ks0)))$phi
+ gd0(i) * q_g(t);
e_p_g(t) ..
(g0 * q_g(t) - scale_g * gqref(t))$(not dcalib)
+ (v_inc_g(t) - g0 * p_g(t) * q_g(t))$dcalib =g= 0;
e_p_k(t) ..
j0 * q_j(t) + (1-delta) * ks0 * q_k(t)
=g= ks0 * (q_k(t+1)$(not tlast(t)) + q_tcap$tlast(t));
e_p_rk(t) ..
ks0 * q_k(t) =g= sum(i$kd0(i), a_k(t,i) * q_q(t,i));
e_p_gle$(not dcalib) ..
pgle0 * p_gle =e= sum(t, share_g(t) * p_disc(t) * p_g(t));
e_share_g(t)$(not dcalib) ..
share_g(t) =e= p_disc(t) * g0 * p_g(t) * q_g(t)
/ sum(tt, p_disc(tt) * g0 * p_g(tt) * q_g(tt));
e_c_emi(t) ..
c_emi(t) =e= sum(e, carbt0(e) * q_cnc(t,e));
e_p_ca(t)$(not ca_tax) ..
carbl(t) =g= c_emi(t);
e_p_e(t,i)$e(i) ..
vect(i) * q_cnc(t,i) =g=
((a_c(t,i) * q_cc(t))$cd0(i)
+ sum(ii$veic(i,ii), veic(i,ii) * q_q(t,ii)))$cl(i)
((a_ec(t,i) * q_cc(t))$cd0(i)
+ sum(ii$veic(i,ii), a_e(t,i,ii) * q_q(t,ii)))$ec(i);
e_p_intr(t)$(not tfirst(t)) ..
p_intr(t) =e=
(p_w(t) / p_w(t-1))$bopcon
+ (1/(1+r))$capflo;
e_p_disc(t) ..
p_disc(t) =e=
(prod(tt$((not tfirst(tt)) and (ord(tt) le ord(t))),
p_intr(tt)))$(not tfirst(t))
+ 1$tfirst(t);
e_v_inc_h ..
v_inc_h =e=
sum(t, p_disc(t) * p_le(t) * ple0 * scale_l * lref(t))
+ sum(t$tfirst(t), (rke0 * p_rke(t) + (1-delta) * pk0 * p_k(t)
+ (pka0 * p_ka(t))$phi)) * ks0 * scale_k
- sum(tlast, p_disc(tlast) * pk0 * p_k(tlast) * ks0 * q_tcap)
+ sum(t, p_disc(t) * p_g(t) * vot * scale_t * qref(t))
- (pgle0 * p_gle * m_lum)$(not dcalib)
- sum(t, p_disc(t) * p_g(t) * m_lum_p(t))
e_v_inc_g(t) ..
v_inc_g(t) =e=
tl(i) * m_tl * p_l(t) * a_l(t,i) * q_q(t,i))
+ sum(i$kd0(i),
tk(i) * m_tk * rk0 * p_rk(t) * a_k(t,i) * q_q(t,i))
+ sum(i$out0(i), tq(i) * p_q(t,i) * out0(i) * q_q(t,i))
+ sum(i$m0(i), tm(i) * m_tm
* (p_fxv$capflo + p_fx(t)$bopcon) * m0(i) * q_m(t,i))
+ tli * m_tli * p_l(t) * li0 * q_sl(t)
+ tci * m_tci * rk0 * p_rk(t) * ks0 * q_k(t)
+ tc * m_tc * p_cc(t) * a_cc(t) * q_w(t)
+ ( sum(nen$cd0(nen), ts(nen) * p_a(t,nen) * a_c(t,nen))
+ sum(ele$cd0(ele), ts(ele) * p_a(t,ele) * a_ec(t,ele))
+ sum(cl$cd0(cl), ts(cl) * p_a(t,cl) * a_c(t,cl))
+ sum(ec$cd0(ec), ts(ec) * p_a(t,ec) * a_ec(t,ec)) ) * q_cc(t)
- p_g(t) * vot * scale_t * qref(t)
+ p_ca(t) * carbl(t)
+ p_g(t) * m_lum_p(t)
e_v_inc_gl ..
v_inc_gl =e= sum(t, p_disc(t) * v_inc_g(t))
+ (pgle0 * p_gle * m_lum)$(not dcalib)
e_q_tcap ..
sum(t$tlast(t), q_j(t) * q_w(t-1) - q_j(t-1) * q_w(t)) =e= 0;
e_m_lum$((not dcalib) and tins("lum")) ..
v_inc_gl =e= sum(t, p_disc(t) * p_g(t) * g0 * q_g(t));
e_m_tl$tins("lab") ..
v_inc_gl =e= sum(t, p_disc(t) * p_g(t) * g0 * q_g(t));
e_m_tk$tins("cap") ..
v_inc_gl =e= sum(t, p_disc(t) * p_g(t) * g0 * q_g(t));
e_m_tli$tins("lin") ..
v_inc_gl =e= sum(t, p_disc(t) * p_g(t) * g0 * q_g(t));
e_m_tci$tins("cin") ..
v_inc_gl =e= sum(t, p_disc(t) * p_g(t) * g0 * q_g(t));
e_m_tc$tins("ctx") ..
v_inc_gl =e= sum(t, p_disc(t) * p_g(t) * g0 * q_g(t));
e_m_tm$tins("imp") ..
v_inc_gl =e= sum(t, p_disc(t) * p_g(t) * g0 * q_g(t));
e_v_gdp(t) ..
=e= (p_cc(t) * a_cc(t) * q_w(t)
- (sum(nen$cd0(nen), ts(nen) * p_a(t,nen) * a_c(t,nen))
+ sum(ele$cd0(ele), ts(ele) * p_a(t,ele) * a_ec(t,ele))
+ sum(cl$cd0(cl), ts(cl) * p_a(t,cl) * a_c(t,cl))
+ sum(ec$cd0(ec), ts(ec) * p_a(t,ec) * a_ec(t,ec))) * q_cc(t)
+ p_g(t) * g0 * q_g(t)
+ p_i(t) * j0 * q_j(t) * (1 + phi * j0 * q_j(t) / (2*q_k(t)*ks0))
+ sum(i, (p_fxv$capflo + p_fx(t)$bopcon) * x0(i) * q_x(t,i))
- sum(i$m0(i),
(1+tm(i))*(p_fxv$capflo + p_fx(t)$bopcon) * m0(i) * q_m(t,i))) / p_cc(t);
e_t_pf(t)$dcalib ..
t_pf(t) =e= 1$tfirst(t)
+ (((1 + roc_t_pf) * t_pf(t-1)))$(not tfirst(t));
e_t_ene(t)$dcalib ..
t_ene(t) =e= 1$tfirst(t)
+ (((1 + roc_t_ene) * t_ene(t-1)))$(not tfirst(t));
e_roc_t_pf$dcalib ..
(v_gdp("38")/v_gdp("1"))**(1/37) - 1 =e= roc_gdp;
e_roc_t_ene$dcalib ..
(c_emi("38")/c_emi("1"))**(1/37) - 1 =e= roc_ca;
e_m_lum_p(t)$dcalib ..
p_g(t) * g0 * q_g(t) / (p_cc(t) * v_gdp(t)) =e= sh_g_gdp(t);
model dynamic_mcp Dynamic model in MCP format /
e_a_x.a_x, e_a_d.a_d, e_a_l.a_l, e_a_k.a_k, e_a_e.a_e, e_a_ec.a_ec,
e_a_c.a_c, e_a_cc.a_cc, e_a_lei.a_lei, e_a_u.a_u, e_a_ad.a_ad,
e_q_q.q_q, e_q_a.q_a, e_q_x.q_x, e_q_m.q_m, e_q_cc.q_cc, e_q_w.q_w,
e_q_u.q_u, e_q_g.q_g, e_q_j.q_j, e_q_sl.q_sl, e_q_k.q_k,
e_c_cc.c_cc, e_c_a.c_a, e_c_w.c_w, e_c_u.c_u, e_c_q.c_q, e_c_e.c_e,
e_p_q.p_q, e_p_f.p_f, e_p_ee.p_ee, e_p_fe.p_fe, e_p_c.p_c, e_p_ec.p_ec,
e_p_e.p_e, e_p_k.p_k, e_p_rke.p_rke, e_p_rk.p_rk, e_p_gle.p_gle,
e_p_i.p_i, e_p_ka.p_ka, e_p_intr.p_intr, e_p_disc.p_disc,
e_p_cc.p_cc, e_p_d.p_d, e_p_x.p_x, e_p_m.p_m, e_p_fxv.p_fxv,
e_p_fx.p_fx, e_p_l.p_l, e_p_le.p_le, e_p_w.p_w, e_p_u.p_u, e_p_a.p_a,
e_p_g.p_g, e_p_ca.p_ca,
e_v_inc_h.v_inc_h, e_v_inc_g.v_inc_g, e_v_inc_gl.v_inc_gl,
e_m_tl.m_tl, e_m_tk.m_tk, e_m_tli.m_tli, e_m_tci.m_tci,
e_m_tc.m_tc, e_m_tm.m_tm,
e_t_pf.t_pf, e_t_ene.t_ene, e_roc_t_pf.roc_t_pf, e_roc_t_ene.roc_t_ene,
e_v_gdp.v_gdp, e_c_emi.c_emi,
a_x.lo(t,i) = 0;
a_d.lo(t,i) = 0;
a_l.lo(t,i) = 0;
a_k.lo(t,i) = 0;
a_e.lo(t,ii,i) = 0;
a_ec.lo(t,i) = 0;
a_c.lo(t,i) = 0;
a_cc.lo(t) = 0;
a_lei.lo(t) = 0;
a_u.lo(t) = 0;
a_ad.lo(t,i) = 0;
a_am.lo(t,i) = 0;
q_q.lo(t,i) = 0;
q_a.lo(t,i) = 0;
q_x.lo(t,i) = 0;
q_m.lo(t,i) = 0;
q_cc.lo(t) = 0;
q_w.lo(t) = 0;
q_g.lo(t) = 0;
q_j.lo(t) = 0;
q_sl.lo(t) = 0;
q_u.lo = 0;
q_k.lo(t) = 0;
q_cnc.lo(t,e) = 0;
q_tcap.lo = 0;
c_cc.lo(t) = 1e-6;
c_a.lo(t,i) = 1e-6;
c_w.lo(t) = 1e-6;
c_u.lo = 1e-6;
c_q.lo(t,i) = 1e-6;
p_q.lo(t,i) = 1e-6;
p_f.lo(t,i) = 1e-6;
p_ee.lo(t,i) = 1e-6;
p_fe.lo(t,i) = 1e-6;
p_c.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_ec.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_e.lo(t,e) = 1e-6;
p_cc.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_d.lo(t,i) = 1e-6;
p_x.lo(t,i) = 1e-6;
p_m.lo(t,i) = 1e-6;
p_fxv.lo = 1e-6;
p_fx.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_l.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_le.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_w.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_u.lo = 1e-6;
p_a.lo(t,i) = 1e-6;
p_g.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_k.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_rk.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_rke.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_gle.lo = 1e-6;
p_ca.lo(t) = 0;
p_ka.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_i.lo(t) = 1e-6;
v_inc_h.lo = 0;
v_inc_g.lo(t) = 0;
v_inc_gl.lo = 0;
v_gdp.lo(t) = 0;
c_emi.lo(t) = 0;
t_pf.lo(t) = 0;
t_ene.lo(t) = 0;
roc_t_pf.lo = 0;
roc_t_ene.lo = 0;
share_g.lo(t) = 0;
a_x.l(t,i) = x0(i);
a_d.l(t,i) = d0(i);
a_l.l(t,i) = ld0(i);
a_k.l(t,i) = kd0(i);
a_e.l(t,ene,i) = veic(ene,i);
a_ec.l(t,ene) = cd0(ene);
a_c.l(t,nene) = cd0(nene);
a_cc.l(t) = c0;
a_lei.l(t) = lei0;
a_u.l(t) = wref(t);
a_ad.l(t,i) = d0(i);
a_am.l(t,i) = m0(i);
q_q.l(t,i) = qref(t);
q_a.l(t,i) = qref(t);
q_x.l(t,i) = qref(t);
q_m.l(t,i) = qref(t);
q_cc.l(t) = qref(t);
q_w.l(t) = qref(t);
q_g.l(t) = qref(t);
q_j.l(t) = qref(t);
q_sl.l(t) = qref(t);
q_u.l = 1;
q_k.l(t) = qref(t);
q_cnc.l(t,e) = qref(t);
q_tcap.l = sum(tlast, qref(tlast)) * (1+gr);
c_cc.l(t) = 1;
c_a.l(t,i) = 1;
c_w.l(t) = 1;
c_u.l = 1;
c_q.l(t,i) = 1;
c_e.l(t,i) = 1;
p_q.l(t,i) = 1;
p_f.l(t,i) = 1;
p_ee.l(t,i) = 1;
p_fe.l(t,i) = 1;
p_c.l(t) = 1;
p_ec.l(t) = 1;
p_e.l(t,e) = 1;
p_cc.l(t) = 1;
p_d.l(t,i) = 1;
p_x.l(t,i) = 1;
p_m.l(t,i) = 1;
p_fxv.l = 1;
p_fx.l(t) = 1;
p_l.l(t) = 1;
p_le.l(t) = 1;
p_u.l = 1;
p_a.l(t,i) = 1;
p_g.l(t) = 1;
p_k.l(t) = 1;
p_rk.l(t) = 1;
p_rke.l(t) = 1;
p_gle.l = 1;
p_ca.l(t) = 0;
p_ka.l(t) = 1;
p_i.l(t) = 1;
p_w.l(t) = pref(t);
v_inc_h.l = ubar;
v_inc_g.l(t) = gqref(t);
v_inc_gl.l = gbar;
m_lum.l = 0;
m_tl.fx = 1;
m_tk.fx = 1;
m_tli.fx = 1;
m_tci.fx = 1;
m_tc.fx = 1;
m_tm.fx = 1;
t_pf.fx(t) = 1;
t_ene.fx(t) = 1;
roc_t_pf.fx = 0;
roc_t_ene.fx = 0;
= (p_cc.l(t) * a_cc.l(t) * q_w.l(t)
- (sum(nen$cd0(nen), ts(nen) * p_a.l(t,nen) * a_c.l(t,nen))
+ sum(ele$cd0(ele), ts(ele) * p_a.l(t,ele) * a_ec.l(t,ele))
+ sum(cl$cd0(cl), ts(cl) * p_a.l(t,cl) * a_c.l(t,cl))
+ sum(ec$cd0(ec), ts(ec) * p_a.l(t,ec) * a_ec.l(t,ec))) * q_cc.l(t)
+ p_g.l(t) * g0 * q_g.l(t)
+ p_i.l(t) * j0 * q_j.l(t) * (1 + phi * j0 * q_j.l(t) / (2*q_k.l(t)*ks0))
+ sum(i, (p_fxv.l$capflo + p_fx.l(t)$bopcon) * x0(i) * q_x.l(t,i))
- sum(i$m0(i), (1+tm(i))*(p_fxv.l$capflo + p_fx.l(t)$bopcon) * m0(i) * q_m.l(t,i))
c_emi.l(t) = sum(e, carbt0(e) * q_cnc.l(t,e));
m_lum_p.fx(t) = 0;
v_inc_h.fx = v_inc_h.l;
display v_inc_h.l;
chk_numeraire Numeraire check;
p_intr.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_intr.l(t) = 1 / (1 + r);
display p_intr.l;
p_disc.lo(t) = 1e-6;
p_disc.l(t) =
(prod(tt$((not tfirst(tt)) and (ord(tt) le ord(t))),
p_intr.l(tt)))$(not tfirst(t))
display p_disc.l;
= p_disc.l(t) * g0 * p_g.l(t) * q_g.l(t)
/ sum(tt, p_disc.l(tt) * g0 * p_g.l(tt) * q_g.l(tt));
display share_g.l;
dynamic_mcp.workspace = 500;